"Nanoagents go functional"
3rd SFB1032 (MGK) Blockseminar
Date: Thursday, 3 December 2015
Time: 9 am - 4.30 pm
Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft (IBZ), Amalienstr. 38, 80799 Munich
Please register with Katharina Frank (Katharina.Frank@physik.uni-muenchen.de)
08.45 am: Registration
09.00 am: Welcome - Prof. Rädler
1st Session - Host: Fabian Wehnekamp
- 09.15 am: Dr. Alex Borodavka - Viruses as self-packing nano-containers
- 10.00 am: Prof. Oliver Lieleg - Mucin glycoproteins for biomedical applications
10.45 - 11.15 am: Coffee Break
2nd Session - Host: Mario Teichmann
- 11.15 am: Dr. Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse - Rethinking molecular engineering in structural biology
- 12.00 pm: Dr. Maier S. Avendaño Amado - Painting life with DNA
12.45 - 02.15 pm: Lunch break
3rd Session – Host: Georg Urtel
- 02.15 pm: Prof. Chase Broedersz - Cells in gels: Mechanosensing and active stress generation
- 03.00 pm: Prof. Irene A. Chen - Information in the RNA World of early life
4th Session - Prof. Joachim Rädler & Dr. Katharina Frank
- 03.45 pm: Plenary Session only for members of the MGK (IRTG1032) - Compulsory for members of the MGK / IRTG1032!
- IRTG1032_Blockseminar_Abstracts (38 KByte)
- IRTG1032_Blockseminar_Flyer (391 KByte)